楼主 |
发表于 2012-3-17 14:04:23
New features in Laminate Tools version 4.2 (first release, since launch of version 4.1)
greatly improved geometry translation, with additional control parameters and faster sewing
when loading named surfaces, element sets are also created for the component surfaces of merged surfaces, for easy picking
implemented material/ply/layup export to spreadsheet, to be used for re-importing onto a morphed or translated mesh
added option to import material/ply/layup from spreadsheet onto a translated mesh
implemented ply mirroring and cloning
implemented element set mirroring and cloning
enabled auto merge of material properties on layup file import (by name, if existing type is undefined)
implemented draped pattern outputs (incl. exact) for projected type plies (ply boundary)
added option to import layup file for one element set only
added option to define ply or offset vectors by picking nodes
changed usage and naming convention for imported PlyMaster materials, to reduce number of materials added
modified COM command “layup define/append” to generate global ids
added COM automation function SetSplitEdgeIds
added COM automation function SetMaterialStiffness
added support for Abaqus files (INP, ODB stress)
added option to export generated failure calculations to Hyperworks H3D file format
updated Nastran OP2 support for new element type storage
added support for Ansys RST files for version 13 or later
implemented subcase deletion, fixed multiple loadcase deletion in a single operation
updated LAP export format for transverse loads and offsets
implemented SigmaNEST spreadsheet output in Ply Book export
implemented data export for automated Robotic ply placement
added cut-out boundaries to Assembly Guidance laser export data
enabled the specification of text height in flat DXF pattern files
User Interface
added support for software based licence keys
improved Windows 7 compatibility, including 3D mouse usage
added COM automation function GetDrapeVectors
revised and improved default GUI graphics colours
plus numerous fixes and performance improvements.
implemented automatic recalibration for mirrored parts
implemented optional display of tool probe together with model
added ability to pan when zoomed in
allowed the application of a new probe configuration without soft restart
implemented interface to inspect ply placement, calculate and export deviations
added hardware support for Windows 7
implemented fixed calibration method with 6 points
improved fixed camera calibration method with 4 points, allowed individual selection of any successful solution
added ability to save calibration for multiple fixed cameras |