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发表于 2009-7-2 19:35:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How to order Chinese food when you do not speak Chinese

Menu Suggestions:

China is a country with incredible diversity in its cuisines. The differences were originally
based around the regions where the tastes developed but these days it is possible to
enjoy the different styles almost everywhere in China.

We know that our customers want to experience the true tastes of China, so we have
prepared these menus to help you to venture out of the hotels and tourist restaurants and
into the places where the locals eat. The staff in these restaurants probably will not speak
or understand English. We have provided menus with the dishes written in English and
Chinese Characters. This means you can select the dish and use the menu to point to the
name dish written in Chinese.

It is customary in China to select one dish for each person at the table to share. This
means that if you have 5 people, you may select 3 meat dishes and 2 vegetable dishes
but in the end it’s up to you.

Points to remember:
l Chinese cooking is very individual and the tastes and cooking style of the same dish
will vary from restaurant to restaurant.
l We have provided a general menu which gives a cross section of tastes. Most
restaurants should be able to provide these dishes but it may not always be the case.
l Smaller menus which provide specialty dishes from Beijing, Xian, Shanghai and
Guilin and some restaurant names and addresses are also provided.
l We have attempted to provide Muslim and vegetarian suggestions and restaurants.
Unfortunately kosher restaurants and restaurants catering to travelers with food
allergies to do not fare so well. We have included some useful information which may
be of assistance.
l There are thousands of Chinese dishes and we have given you just a few. Please
forgive us if you particular favorite dish is not included.
l Try to establish the approximate prices when ordering. You can use our useful
phrases download to do this. Occasionally unscrupulous traders may try to take
advantage of this situation.
China Highlights Travel trusts that you find this information useful and that your eating
experience adds greatly to you time in China.

饮料 Drinks

啤酒                Beer
可乐                Coca-Cola
花茶                Jasmine Tea
红茶                Black Tea
绿茶                Green Tea
八宝茶 "          Eight Treasures" Tea
米酒                Rice wine
红酒                Red Wine
葡萄酒             White Wine
甘蔗汁             Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁             Plum juice
杨桃汁 Star fruit juice
青草茶 Herb juice
中式早点 Chinese Breakfast
烧饼 Clay oven rolls
油条 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
水饺 Boiled dumplings
蒸饺 Steamed dumplings
馒头 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
饭团 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋饼 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg
豆浆 Soybean milk
饭 类 Rice
稀饭 Rice porridge
白饭 Plain white rice
油饭 Glutinous oil rice
糯米饭 Glutinous rice
卤肉饭 Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee
饭 Steamed rice

面 类 Noodles
馄饨面 Wonton & noodles
刀削面 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles
鴨肉面 Duck with noodles
鱔魚面 Eel noodles
乌龙面 Seafood noodles
榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles
板条 Flat noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
冬粉 Green bean noodle
汤 类 Soups
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup
貢丸汤 Meat ball soup
蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊汤 Clams soup
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
紫菜汤 Seaweed soup
酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup
馄饨汤 Wonton soup
猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup
肉羹汤 Pork thick soup
鱿鱼汤 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup
薯仔煲冬菇汤 Potato and black mushroom soup
Corn and egg soup
鱼翅汤 shark fin soup
家庭特色菜 Main Courses
鸡、鸭、乳鸽 Chicken, Duck , Pigeon
香妃鸡 Steamed chicken with salted sauce

糖醋鸡块 Chicken in sweet and sour sauce
三杯鸡翼 Chicken wings in three cups sauce
赛海蜇拌火鸭丝 Shredded roast deck with Jelly Fish
杂菜拌鸭脷 Duck tongues with assorted Vegetables
卤炸乳鸽 Deep-fried pigeon in spiced sauce
蜜糖子姜鸡 Honey chicken with ginger shoots
苹果咖喱鸡 Curry chicken with apple
百花凤翼 Stuffed chicken wings with shrimp paste
香荽鸭翼 Duck wings with coriander
陈皮鸭脷 Fried duck tongues with tangerine peel
Stir-fried diced chicken with peanuts and served with red chilli sauce
Soft-fried chicken in lemon sauce
猪、牛 Pork & Beef
Stir-fried sliced pork with egg and black crispy mushroom
Twice cooked pork
Minced pork fried with French beans
Rice crisps with seafood
Stir-fried minced pork with noodles made from green pea
Hot and sweet slices of pork
镬仔叉烧 Roast pork in wok
菜薳滑肉片 Sliced pork with vegetable shoots
茄汁炆排骨 Stewed spare ribs with tomato sauce
酒醉排骨 Spare ribs in wine sauce
香辣猪扒 Fried chilili pork chops
云腿芥菜胆 Mustard green with ham
荔枝炒牛肉 Stir-fried beef with lychee
卤牛腩 Brisket of beef in spiced sauce
菠萝牛仔骨 Stir-fried ox ribs with pineapple
核桃肉煲牛汤 Beef shin soup with walnut
Sautéed beef slices with bamboo shoots in oyster sauce
Shredded beef fried with onions in soy sauce
糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour pork
鱼、虾、龙虾、蟹、膳 Seafood
蒸鱼尾 Steamed fish tail
椒盐焗鱼 Baked fish with chilli and salt
洋葱煮鱼 Fried fish with onion
咸酸菜煮鱼 Fish with salted mustard cabbage
酸菜鱼头煲 Sour and chili fish gead pot

干炸多春鱼 Deep-fried snapper
榄仁炒鱼环 Fried minced dace with olive seeds
黑豆煲鱼头汤 Fish head soup with black beans
粟米鱼羹 Groupa and sweet corns soup
蒜蓉蟠龙虾 Prawns in garlic sauce
辈翠玉如意 Stuffed yu-ear with shrimp paste
黑白分明 Fried shrimp balls with sesame seeds
菜花虾羹 Shrimps and broccoli soup
京酱龙虾球 Lobster balls in sweet bean sauce
炸酿龙虾 Fried stuffed lobsters
辣椒炒蟹 Fried crabs in chilli sauce
酱油蟹 Crabs in soy sauce
醋溜蟹 Crabs in sour sauce
清汤蟹肉 Chicken broth with crab meat
黑椒善球 Eel balls with black pepper sauce
鸭汁炆鱼唇 Steven fish snout with duck sauce
鱼唇羹 Thickened fish snout soup
辣椒酱 Chilli sauce
马拉盏炒菜 Fried vegetables with shrimp paste
肉碎蒸滑蛋 Steamed egg custard & minced pork
雪中送炭 Fried egg whites with black mushroom and ham
白玉藏珍 Stuffed bean curd with canopy and ham
素香粉丝 Fried vermicelli in hot bean sauce
素什锦 Mixed vegetables
香芒烧茄子 Braised eggplants with mango
雪菜拌花生 Deep-fired red-in-snow and peanut
Stir-fried pea sprouts
Stir-fried potato shreds with green chillies
Eggplant stewed in yuxiang sauce and served in casserole
Deep-fried chili peppers
Onion omelet
Stir-fried romaine lettuce in oyster sauce
Stir-fried corn with pine nuts
Pickled Chinese cabbage with noodles made from green pea
Fried sliced potato with green chilies in soy sauce
莲藕 lotus root
发财好市汤 Dried oysters and black moss soup

点心 Dessert

爱玉                        Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫芦                     Tomatoes on sticks
长寿桃                     Longevity Peaches
芝麻球                     Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花                         Hemp flowers
双胞胎                     Horse hooves
牡蛎煎                     Oyster omelet
臭豆腐                     Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐                     Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐                 Spicy hot bean curd
虾片                         Prawn cracker
虾球                         Shrimp balls
春卷                         Spring rolls
蛋卷                         Chicken rolls
碗糕                         Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕                 Rice tube pudding
红豆糕                     Red bean cake
绿豆糕                     Bean paste cake
糯米糕                     Glutinous rice cakes
萝卜糕                     Fried white radish patty
芋头糕                     Taro cake
肉圆                         Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶饺                     Pyramid dumplings
肉丸                         Rice-meat dumplings
豆干                         Dried tofu
辣酱                         Chilli sauce
蚝油                         Oyster sauce
云吞/馄饨                 Won ton
虾仁炒蛋                 Shrimp omelet
红豆汤                     Red bean dessert
中国火腿                 Chinese ham
烧卖                         Steamed open dumplings
腊肠                         Chinese sausage
皮蛋                         1000 year old egg
蛋塔                         Custard tart
糯米                         Glutinous rice
春卷                         Spring rolls
汤圆                         Sweet soup balls
饺子                         Stuffed dumplings

排骨                         Spare ribs
冰 类                        Cold Desserts
绵绵冰                     Mein mein ice
麦角冰                     Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰                     Sweet potato ice
紅豆牛奶冰             Red bean with milk ice
八宝冰                     Eight treasures ice
豆花                         Tofu pudding

Beijing Dishes and Restaurants
Beijing food or Northern food is a collection of varieties from Hebei, Shangdong, Lower
Yangzi River, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.

Methods of cooking include barbecuing, deep-boiling, roasting, smoking and braising.
Local products such as garlic, ginger, leeks, pork, spring onions, bean sauce, different
spices, chilies and vegetables, particularly the Northern white cabbage, together with duck,
pork, chicken, seafood, beef, and lamb are used to make many varieties of gourmet

Peking Duck, Mongolian Hot Pot with Lamb or Beef, Sautéed Mutton with Scallion, Muslim
Skewered Mutton, Shandong Chicken with Abalone and Cabbage, to mention but a few.
Beijing Roast Duck – Peking Duck 烤鸭
Beijing Roast Duck is the epitome of Beijing cuisine and is well known both at home and
abroad. The dish is mostly prized for the thin, crispy skin, with authentic versions of the
dish serving mostly the skin and little meat.

Mongolian Hot Pot 蒙古火锅
Next to Beijing Roast Duck, Mongolian Hot Pot is another great example of traditional

Beijing cooking. The slices of different meats are dipped in boiling water with various
kinds of vegetables until they're done, and then eaten with special sauces and side
dishes. This dish is especially favored during the cold season.

Bifengtang Prawns 避风塘大虾
This dish is prepared by frying prawns in oil until golden red. Then they are cooked with
Hong Kong's Bifengtang special techniques. This dish is delicious and slightly spicy, with
a pungent garlic aroma.

Gong Bao Ji Ding 宫保鸡丁
Gong Bao Ji Ding is a spicy chicken dish with peanuts and other vegetables. For some
reason this dish is never the same from one restaurant to another. Perhaps this adds to its
appeal as it is very popular with foreigners.

To Doe Zi 兔子
This dish is for potato lovers. The potatoes are stir-fried with green peppers and
seasoning, and can be served hot or cold.

Imperial Dishes
The cuisine of the Old Imperial Palace used highly refined and rare ingredients. A number
of restaurants prepare this cuisine in the original manner. We have provided the
addresses below.

Xian Dishes and Restaurants
Jiaozi (Dumpling) Feast: 饺子宴
Jiaozi (Dumpling) feast is made of the selected fine ingredients, inviting and
unconventional in appearance with a great variety of fillings, with delicate tastes and rich
in nutrition. It is indeed a mixed combination of good-looking, good smelling and delicate
good tastes. Jiaozi feast has 180 varieties. There are several dozens of feasts, such as "

Court Dumpling Feast", "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", "Dragon and Phoenix Feast"
each of which has its own shape and a hundred dumplings have a hundred different

Xian jiaozi Feast Restaurant is located at No. 229 Jie Fang Road.
De Fa Zhang Jiaozi Shop is located at the North of Zhong Gu (Clock & Drum) Tower.

Baked Bun Soaked in Mutton Soup: 羊肉泡膜
Baked Bun Soaked in Mutton Soup is the most famous folk foodstuff of Xian. There is a
particular way of eating the Baked Bun Soaked in Mutton Soup. When the customers are
served, the restaurateur will first offer the kind of hard dried pancake and the customers
will break the pancake into small pieces, then give it back to the restaurateur for cooking
the shredded pancake with mutton in delicious soup. The finished dish is steaming hot
with an unusually has a sweet smell.

Xian Lao Sun's Restaurant is located at No.78, Dong Guan Zheng Street.
Tong Sheng Xiang Soaked Bun Shop is situated at No.33, West Boulevard.
Lao Tong's Cured Mutton:

Cured mutton is a well-known snack in Xian City. The mutton stewed in soy sauce looks
bright and lustrous, tastes crisp and delicious. It is the right thing to go with wine and also
an excellent specialty to give relatives and friends as gift.

The Chang'an Gourd Chicken: 长安葫芦鸡
The Gourd Chicken is one of Xian's traditional local flavor, the characteristics of which lie
in its golden rich color, crisp skin, tender meat, good smell and soft and thorough cooking.
Just give it a little touch with chopsticks and the meat is separated from the bones. It is
rich in protein and with saturated fatty acid necessary for the human body.

Xian Hotel is located at No.298 East Boulevard.
Mutton (or Beef) Soup with Pancake Pieces
As a famous Islamic snack, mutton (or beef) soup with pancake pieces is delicious and
mellow, with a tempting smell.

Qishan's Saozi Noodles with Minced Meat 臊子面
As early as in the Qing Dynasty, Qishan's saozi noodles of Shaanxi Province were famous
for a spicy, sour and delicious taste, thin noodles and a good smell. Such noodles are
prepared with high-quality flour, pork, eggs, day lilies and edible funguses, in addition to a
wide variety of seasonings.

Qianzhou Hard Wheat Cake
In ancient times, Qianxian County in Shaanxi Province was called Qianzhou. As a popular
local snack, Qianzhou hard wheat cake is as large as a lid of a cooking pot, thin on the
edges and thick at the center. Hard, crisp and tasty, this wheat cake can be stored for
quite a long time.

Fan's Pancake with Stewed Lazhi Meat 肉夹馍
As a famous snack of Van, Fan's pancake with stewed meat was first created by Fan
Bingren and his son Fan Fengxiang, with a history of nearly 80 years. Prepared with high
quality meat, Lazhi meat is well stewed with broth of the preceding years.

Xian Huis(Muslim) Foodstuff Street 西安穆斯林美食街
It is situated at the north of Middle Section of West Street at Da Mai Market Street. It is a
place of the Huis (Muslim) exquisite food and drink with a long history, a great variety of
foodstuff of various descriptions and strong national flavor in the ancient Xian city.

Shanghai Dishes and Restaurants
Main Dishes

Smoked Fish Slices香熏鱼丝
An ideal menu for those who like highly spiced food. the Smoked Fish Slices (fresh fish
marinated and spiced to taste like smoked fish) make a delicious, unusual hors doeuvre,
while the strong-tasting Stewed Pork Flavoured with Dried Squid dish is offset by the
vegetable rice to make a substantial meal.

Da Zha Xie大闸蟹
Da Zha Xie is a special type of crab found in rivers, and is normally consumed in the winter.
The crabs are tied with ropes or strings, placed in bamboo containers, steamed and
served. There few other artificial ingredients added to the dish yet it tastes fantastically
good. Da Zha Xie is usually consumed with vinegar. Locals are also quite fussy about
when to consume male crabs and when to consume female crabs.

shanghai pepper duck 香酥鸭
(half or whole) fresh duck steamed with szechwan peppers, ginger and scallions until
tender, lightly fried and served with plum sauce and steamed bread 10.00/19.00

Beggars Chicken 叫化鸡
Seasoned chicken wrapped in lotus leaves and baked in a dough pastry.

Red-Cooked Chicken 红烧鸡
Red cooking is a popular cooking technique in eastern China.

Pi Dan (Preserved Eggs) 皮蛋
Preserved duck eggs are a traditional Shanghainese delicacy, and although known as
"1000-year-old eggs" they are rarely more than 100 days old. Pi Dan is now very common
in China, and is sometimes consumed with congee.

Xiao Long Bao (Little Dragon Bun): 小笼包
Unlike the buns in northern China, these buns are very small and easy to swallow. The
buns are usually steamed in containers made of banboo. The skin of the buns are very
thin and the bun is very juicy. The dish has been popularized and consumed widely
throughout China as a Dim Sum.

Chou Dou Fu (Smelly Tofu): 臭豆腐
Ones 1st reaction is to hold their nose and eating it would be the last think to enter your
mind. The smelly tofu is a popular local food mainly found on Shanghai streets. The tofu is
fermented with many ingredients before being fried. Old ladies usually serve them on their
little trolleys. Despite its odor, most foreigners love it after tasting it and its dirt cheap too!

Chinese food restaurant 中餐馆
Lvbolang Restaurant 绿 波 廊
Tel: 8621- 63557509
Address: No. 131 Yuyuan road

Old Shanghai Restaurant 上 海 老 饭 店
Tel: 021-63111777 63552275
Address: No. 242 Fuyou road Huangpu district

Lao zhengxing Restaurant 老 正 兴 菜 馆
Tel: 63222624
Add: 556, Fuzhou Road, Shanghai

Meilong Town Restaurant 梅 龍 鎮 酒 家
Tel: 8621 - 2535353 / 2562718
Add: No. 22, 1081nong, West Nanjing Road
Tel: 8621 - 2172796 / 2173567
Add: No. 77, Jiangjing road

Zao zi shu 枣子树
Tel: 021-63848000 63855986
Add: No. 77, Songshan Road, Luwan district
Tel: 021-62157566
Add: No. 258, Fengxian Road, Jiang’an district

Folk Restaurant 乡村菜馆
120 Jinxian Lu, T: 6256 4168; 1468 Hongqiao Lu, T: 6295 1717;
57 Nanchang Lu, T: 5383 9893;
4/F Lucky Mansion, 660 Shangcheng Lu, T: 5888 9797
Hours:11:00am-10:30am, Credit cards:All cards

Shanghai Ren Jia 上海人家
41 Yunnan Zhong Lu, T: 6351 3060 531; Liuzhou Lu, T: 6483 8672;
869 Nanjing Xi Lu, T: 6272 9605 50; Tianai Zhi Lu, T: 5696 7979;
Unit 58 Lane 17 Yincheng Xi Lu, T: 5878 7676;
90 Shanxi Nan Lu, T: 5403 7888;

Vegetarian restaurant 素菜馆
Chunfeng Songyue Lou 春风送月楼
Chenghuang Temple, 23 Bailin Road

Gong De Lin 公德林
445 Nanjing Rd West

Jade Buddha Vegetarian 玉佛素食
999 Jiangning Lu (Putuo)

New Age Veggie 新素代
168 Lujiazui Xi Lu ,Super Brand Mall ,5F,#20A/B,

Tian Ran Natural Health Vegetarian 天然居素食
390 Shaanxi Nan Lu (at Fuxing Zhong Lu)
6437 0602

Western food restaurant 西餐馆
Mexico Lindo 墨西哥灵得餐厅
Tel; 021-62622797
Add: No. 3911 Honghai Road, Changning district.

Tel: 021-50504567
Add: No. 889, Dongfang Road, Pudong new district

Tel: 021-50491234
Add: No. 88, Xinshiji road, Pudong new district

La Seine塞纳河
Tel: 021-63843722
Add: No. 9, Jinan Road, Luwanqu, Shanghai
Tel: 021-68861309
Add: No.3, Pudong road, Pudong new district.

Keven Cafe Restaurant 凯文西餐厅
Tel: 021-64335564
Add: No. 525, Hengshan Road, Xuhui district

Montmartre 梦曼特
Tel: 021-54047658
Add: No.55, Xiangyang Nan road, Xuhui district
Tel: 021-62618089
Add: No. 3911, Honghai Road, Changning district

Guilin Dishes and Restaurants
Guilin cuisine is a combination of Cantonese and Hunanese dishes. It is classed as
somewhat sour and spicy. The following dishes are considered traditional dishes to Guilin:

Lipu Taro looped Meet (Lipu yu kou rou) 荔浦芋头扣肉
Lipu Taro Looped Meea is a famous traditional dish of Guilin. It is made of taro from Lipu,
streaky pork with skin, pepper, mashed onion, preserved bean-curd of Guilin, cooking
wine, sugar etc.

Steamed Mandarin Fish from Li River (Qingzheng Lijiang yu) 清蒸漓江鱼
The most important feature of Steamed Li River fish is its tenderness. When you put the
fish in your mouth, you don’t even have to chew because it will melt itself and give you the
best taste of fish you’ve ever eaten. Accompanied with special sweet sauce, the steamed
fish appears to be the best choice for people who prefer light flavour food.

Gingko stewed with Old Duck (Baiguo Dun Laoya ) 白果炖老鸭
This is one of the most famous and popular dishes in Guilin and it appears on family
dinner tables often. The most important ingredients are old duck and baiguo (Gingko)
which is famous Chinese medicine. Stewing makes the final soup tasty and nutritious.

Chicken stewed with clam (Hajie Dun Quanji ) 蛤蚧炖全鸡
The ingredients include a young chicken, two clams, some lichee, and several pieces of

Beef flied with Bamboo Shoots 冬笋炒牛肉
Cooked using the freshest young bamboo shoots, beef, agaric, and mushroom
Braised Duck covered with Lotus Leaf (Guilin Heye Ya ) 桂林荷叶鸭
Deep flied duck, then covered with braised with the fresh Lotus leaf, together with some
meat, shrimp, mushroom, preserved ham。

Yangshuo beer fish (Yangshuo Pijiu yu) 阳朔啤酒鱼
Fsh from Li river is cooked he local beer is the most popular Yangshuo. The fish is cooked
in beer with some local vegetables. The fish can contain bones but the meat tastes


Guilin Rice Noodle (Mifen ) 米粉
The most famous local snack in Guilin, mifen is pliable but strong, fragrant and mellow,
and cheap (0.2 dollar for a bowl). Guilin Rice Noodles are a favorite snack for local
residents. Rice noodles, gravy, fried peanuts or soybeans, chopped scallions and thin
slides of different kinds of meat are added for various versions of this renowned and tasty

Stuffed Li River snails(Yangshuo Liang tianluo) 阳朔酿田螺
The snails are stuffed with minced pork and a small amount of vegetables and mint and
the cooked in a light sauce.. They’re a little spicy.

Sponge Cake- in mandarin it means wealth (Fa Gao ) 发糕
It is a traditional snack in Guilin. They are usually eaten at a happy events to show the
wish and the blessing for a happy life. The main material of the sponge cake is sticky rice
and polished japonica rice. They are soft and delicious with pleasant fragrant.

Waternut Cake (Matie Gao ) 马蹄糕
The shape is like a horse’s hoof, and is made of waternut flour with sugar, milk and coco
as dressing. They are usually sold in the cool season.

Bowl Cake (Wan Gao) 碗糕
It is mainly made of sticky rice flour, polished japonica rice flour and brown sugar. The
color is bright. It’s like a flower at the top of the cake.

Pickled Vegetable (Pao Cai) 泡菜
The Pickled Chinese cabbages are made of selected vegetable, pickled with vinegar and
sugar. It tastes sour and sweet.

Oil-tea (You Cha) 油茶
Oil-tea is the flavor of Guilin. Every county of Guilin has the habit of drinking oil-tea. The
most famous one is Gongcheng oil-tea.

Tell the Cook
I don’t want any chilli thank you.
I don’t want any MSG thank you.
Please don’t use too much oil.
I don’t want any sauces cooked with my food.

Food Intolerances
Those people that have people that have gluten and food additive intolerances can use
the information below to explain to the staff at the restaurant how they should prepare your

Food May Contain Gluten不能吃含面筋的食物
The kind of disease I have prevents me from eating the food which is made of wheat, rye,
barley and barley because the gluten in this kind of food makes me ill.

This problem I have is that any gluten in the food will cause a problem to small intestine.
The best treatment is to making every effort to stay away from this kind of food.
因为我患有一种疾病, 所以我不能食用任何用小麦,黑麦,裸麦,大麦或燕麦制作的食物. 因为
它们都含有面筋, 食用任何一点点这类食物都会使我犯病.

Any food made of flour, wheat, rye, barley, like bread, doughnut, cake, pie, crackers,
noodles, macaroni, or any flavoring, crumbs of bread and cakes are forbidden

Flavors may contain gluten可能含有面筋的其它配料
These product that contains wheat starch, malt or flavor that contains malt may found in
the following kind of food: chicken essence, processed meat, flavor, soy sauce or salad

I am able to eat meat, fish, fruit and vegetables as well as rice and potato.

Please choose the dishes that fit me from the menu. I appreciate your help and all your

Note; Please use another pan to cook it for me!.

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