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发表于 2005-9-26 13:58:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>      现在大部分玻脂钢制品厂商的固化均采用钴水(促进剂)甲乙酮(固化剂)。但此方案只用于常温固化,如改为加热固化(60—80℃固化,常温下不固化或缓固化)固化系统为什么?       </P>

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-26 15:06:45 | 显示全部楼层


(</B>固化系统(</B>Curing System</B>):</B>


<>FUCHEM系列乙烯基酯树脂一般为非预促进树脂,固化系统与通用不饱和树脂类似,在室温或90℃以下固化时,应该加入固化剂和促进剂,但因根据成型工艺、作业温度、制品厚度、湿度大小等调整相应的加入量,同时根据不同的情况选用不同类型的固化系统。(The basic range of FUCHEM VER are unpromoted and required the addition of both accelerators and promoters just like general UPR. The selection criteria of the curing system and amounts depend on the desired gel time, the temperature of both the resin and workshop, the laminate thickness, humidity, impurities and the posting-curing possibilities.))



<>低温固化</B>(Low Temp Curing)</B>:</B>


<>当制品必须在10℃以下固化时(如:室外粘接与修补,防腐蚀内衬等),下面的系统可用于0-10℃,也可用钒类促进剂。(If to be handled below 10℃, for example outdoors adhesion or anti-corrosion lining, the below curing system is recommended.)
















<P>室温固化</B>(RT Curing)</B>:</B>


<P>MEKP</B>系统</B>(MEKP Curing System)</B>:</B>


<P>为常用固化系统,使用时加速剂、促进剂及固化剂必须分别加入,且每加一种时,都必须充分混合均匀,方可加入第二种,添加顺序为:加速剂→促进剂→固化剂。当要求胶凝时间和固化时间较快或固化薄层制品时,可以用过氧化乙酰丙 酮(AAP)取代MEKP;另外适量的DMA加入可以获得良好的固化效果。(This system is frequent used, and it is important to mix these additives into the resin as follows: first the Cobalt Naphthalene(CoNAP) or Cobalt Octoate(CoOCT) or Dimethyl Aniline(DMA) and then Methyl Ethyl Ketone(MEKP), also thorough mixing is necessary to get optimum results. In case of thick laminating or short gel time required, AAP is a good accelerator instead of MEKP, meanwhile some DMA is recommended to ensure optimum curing.)
















<P>BPO</B>系统</B>(BPO Curing System)</B>:</B>


<P>该系统可以获得较好的固化性能,比较适用于一些湿度相对较高的使用场合,另外也应用于一些MEKP/Co固化系统不适用的防腐蚀场合(如含次氯酸离子介质等)。(Benzoly Peroxide (BPO) curing system is also suitable for VER yielding better curing, quite ideal for high humidity cases, and this system shall replace MEKP system in some special case such as hypochlorite-contact fabrication.)











<P>中高温固化</B>(Elevated Temp Curing)</B>:</B>


<P>适用于FUCHEM乙烯基酯树脂的中高温固化剂与通用UP相同,对于热模压或拉挤等工艺适合,常见的有BPO和叔丁基过苯甲酸酯(TBPB或1,1-二(过氧化叔丁基)-3,3,5-三甲基环已烷(DTBTC))系统,以获的良好的固化效果和缩短固化时间;在高速拉挤工艺中,可加入适量的高活性过氧化碳酸酯。(BPO is commonly used yielding longer pot life, yet rapid curing is obtained at temp above 80℃. Combinations of different peroxides (such as TBPB or DTDTC) are recommended in order to obtain optimum properties and reduce curing time, these are suitable for pultrusion or thermal-molding. And some positive peresters are recommended in speed pultrusion.)




<P>低放热峰系统</B>(Low Exotherm Curing)</B>:</B>


<P>在较厚铺层结构或平板制作中,要求较低的放热峰以控制最小的翘曲和防止分层,应推荐异丙苯过氧化氢系统(CuHP)系统,该系统也不产生气泡,在RTM工艺中可推荐使用;若要求放热峰值低于100℃,推荐使用CuHP和特丁基过氧化氢的混合物;另外锰盐促进剂可产生较低的放热峰。(In the production of thick laminates or wet-on-wet above 5mm, lower exothermic heat to avoid over-heating is necessary, which in turn could lead to delaminating, increased shrinkage and possible warping, Cume Hydroperoxide (CuHP) is recommended instead of others, on the other hand, CuHP does not create any foaming and specially recommended for RTM applications. When exothermic peak below 100℃ is necessary, Tertiary Butyl Hydroperoxide(TBPO)is maybe employed in combination with CuHP.)




<P>后固化(Post Curing)</B>:


<P>为使FUCHEM高性能树脂获得最佳的耐热性和耐腐蚀性,如接触食品、强腐蚀性环境的FRP,后固化是十分必要的。推荐的后固化条件是90~100℃,3~6小时——对于厚制品和形状比较复杂的制品,后固化时间需要更长。比较低的后固化温度是没有效果的,一般可以通过干热空气或加热器进行加温,同时可以用油布包覆以提高效果。但过高的温度会导致脆裂,应防止局部过热。在制品制作完毕后,后固化处理应尽快进行以提高效率。(The performance of composite can be enhanced by post curing the finished component at elevated temperatures, especially for these used in aggressive environments or for contact with food. For maximum effectiveness, post curing at 90-100℃ should be performed 3-6 hours as soon as possible after the composite has gelled and its exotherm has subsided. For large components, post curing should be practised as soon at the composite structure is completed. This post curing should be done with hot dry air or heater, yet hot spots should be avoided, a good technique for improving heating efficiency is to cover the post curing vessel or laminate with a tarpaulin.)
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-26 17:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
<>中高温固化</B>(Elevated Temp Curing)</B>:适用于FUCHEM乙烯基酯树脂的中高温固化剂与通用UP相同,对于热模压或拉挤等工艺适合,常见的有BPO和叔丁基过苯甲酸酯(TBPB或1,1-二(过氧化叔丁基)-3,3,5-三甲基环已烷(DTBTC))系统,以获的良好的固化效果和缩短固化时间;在高速拉挤工艺中,可加入适量的高活性过氧化碳酸酯</P><>低放热峰系统</B>(Low Exotherm Curing)</B>:在较厚铺层结构或平板制作中,要求较低的放热峰以控制最小的翘曲和防止分层,应推荐异丙苯过氧化氢系统(CuHP)系统,该系统也不产生气泡,在RTM工艺中可推荐使用;若要求放热峰值低于100℃,推荐使用CuHP和特丁基过氧化氢的混合物;另外锰盐促进剂可产生较低的放热峰</P><>大侠:你以上意见,小生还是不明白,小生不是搞学术研究的,希望得到促进剂和固化剂的名称,配比。</P><>不胜感激!</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-26 22:52:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-9-27 00:30:29 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-27 13:01:11 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-30 16:35:18 | 显示全部楼层
<>对UP树脂来说: 用未加促进剂的树脂不就行了吗?一般固化剂在60度以上才具有引发活性</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-11-28 18:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-5 19:11:17 | 显示全部楼层
<B>以下是引用<I>luoyuehe</I>在2005-9-30 16:35:18的发言:</B>

<>对UP树脂来说: 用未加促进剂的树脂不就行了吗?一般固化剂在60度以上才具有引发活性</P>

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